Crochet Stitch Gallery Part 1

Hi, it is Chandler and today I want to teach you guys how to crochet. Crochet is similar to knitting but this craft uses one needle instead of two. I learned how to crochet two years ago with my dad, Grandpa, and several books.

Here is a video of the first six stitches that I think are most important:

I will be making more crochet videos later on.

Chandler P.


  1. I LOVE this video. You are a great teacher and make it sound doable. And I like that you do it slowly and that you do it twice so that we aren’t having to go back. I also like the text under the video. I hope Camille can teach me how to do a video post. Thank you, Chandler!

  2. Kitty lay

    I enjoyed your video Chandler! I used to crotchet a little and you have renewed my interest. That was a great video – slow and thorough. I am now ready to pull out the yarn and hooks :-).

  3. Ms. Thompson

    Thank Chandler! What a great video! All you girls have inspired me to try to take up crocheting.

  4. Angie P

    This is fabulous, Chan! I can’t wait to see the next video in the series! {and I passed it on to Pop Pop!}

  5. Ross Pendley

    This is Pop Pop and I am so proud of you. You did an excellent job of teaching crochet stitches.

  6. Sharon Pendley

    Such a poised speaker! I even feel like I could crochet when I see this. So proud of you! Doe Doe

  7. cse5thgrade

    To Ross Pendley,
    Thank you for your support!

  8. cse5thgrade

    to Kitty Lay,
    have you ever done any projects?
    lover your monster.:)

  9. cse5thgrade

    sorry about that I meant to say I love you monster.

  10. Ms Kipling

    Love it! Very well done, Chandler. I haven’t crocheted in a long time and thought I’d completely forgotten – this was a much-needed refresher!

  11. Pingback: Stitch Gallery Part 2 – Puff Stitch | Top Frogs

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